Interview: Farah Nazeer
After 20 years of tireless work for women’s rights, Farah Nazeer became CEO of Women’s Aid in March 2021. She spoke to Go Inspire UK about s
Interview: Farah Nazeer
Interview - Jarnéia Richard-Noel
Interview: Sandy Abdelrahman
Interview: Aja Barber
Issue 1 Interview with Cover Artist: Ella Grieves
Interview: Katie Ghose
Interview: Amy Slack
Feature - The Pleasure Gap
Feature - Talks Across the Border: How Brexit Has Affected Women in the EU
Interview: Angela Rayner
Feature - Living with a mixed-race identity
Queer Corner - Internal Hierarchy of the LGBTQ+ community: How does it affect queer women?
Interview: Bethany Rose
Feature: First Generation: A Working-Class Student in a Middle-Class World
Interview: Eliza Hatch
Interview: Polly Neate